I believe you can't have too many things on your needles because it keeps you on your toes! SO... I decided to knit 2 customs at the same time! My turn around is pretty quick and since they are not needed until warmer weather, I am whipping 'em up together!
This yarn, for Sarah's custom, is also on my needles now :) LOVE them together!!! All I can say is they will be capris with some fun triple ruffles! Really...that's all I need to say! Nothing cuter than loads of ruffles!!!
I have this little bit of scrumptiousness on my needles right now!! Makin' a pair of "Baa-Baa Budgie Bloomers" (capris length) for Jennifer! Can't wait to see how they turn out!!
Here is her sweet shirt (all because of her love for her Monchichi stuffed monkey!) It is from the wonderful Alpaca Tracks Embroidery, who I am doing a few collaborations with soon! I will show you the WHOLE outfit next Tuesday on Suri's 1st birthday!